Support for baby Cecilia

Support for baby Cecilia

From Amanda Jo Pasquinelli

Baby Cecilia needs your prayers. The Hawkins family needs your support. She has a serious heart condition that requires surgical intervention. Her surgery is scheduled for this summer.

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Amanda Jo Pasquinelli posted a new update:
24 days ago

Update #6

Baby Cecilia was transported Tuesday because she had a fever (99.9) She saw her cardiologist and he didn’t like the sound of her lungs. Upon admittance to UVA they started her with Tylenol and did a viral panel which came back negative having tested for over 30 viruses. She’s been on Tylenol every six hours and her fever went from 102 to 99 back up and back down and now back up again. They also started her on an antibiotic for a bacterial infection just in case a bacteria grows in her culture over the next few days. They are trying to find the cause of the fever. She also has been on a heart medication that has since caused pulmonary edema so they are trying to manage that.

Yesterday her fever was down to 98.5 but her breathing was still very labored likely from the medication she’s been on so they’re weaning her off of that. She may need more respiratory support and if thats the case she will have to be moved to the PICU

Rosemary has her work computer to keep up while bedside at the hospital. She's all out of vacation days. No rest for the weary.

Last night she had a great night! Fever is gone and her labored breathing subsided! She’s having fortified formula now which will help her gain weight faster. Hoping we will get home by the weekend.

Please keep the Hawkins family in your prayers. Cecilia's heart surgery is two short months away. Her condition is very serious - so much so that a simple fever requires medical transport, hospitalization & medical monitoring. Rosemary & Stephen are so grateful for your continued prayers & support. It really does take a village!

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Amanda Jo Pasquinelli posted a new update:
24 days ago

Update #5

Baby Cecilia was transported back to the Children's hospital on Tuesday with a fever (99.9). She saw her cardiologist and he didn’t like the sound of her lungs. Upon their arrival at UVA they started her with Tylenol and did a viral panel which came back negative having tested for over 30 viruses. She’s been on Tylenol every six hours and her fever went from 102 to 99 back up and back down and now back up again. They also started her on an antibiotic for a bacterial infection just in case a bacteria grows in her culture over the next few days.They are trying to find the cause of the fever. She also has been on a heart medication that has since caused pulmonary edema so they are trying to manage that.

Yesterday her fever dropped to 98.5 but her breathing was still very labored (likely from the medication she’s been on) so they’re weaning her off of that. She may need more respiratory support and if thats the case she will have to be moved to the PICU.

Rosemary has her work computer to keep up while she's bedside at the hospital. She used up all her vacation days during Cecilia's last hospital stay. No rest for the weary.

Last night she had a great night! Fever is gone and her labored breathing has subsided! She’s having fortified formula now which will help her gain weight faster. They hope to get her home by the weekend.

Please continue to pray for the Hawkins family. Her heart condition is still very serious. So much so that a fever warrants medical transport & a hospital stay. They are two months away from baby Cecilia's heart surgery & ever so grateful for your continued prayers & support.

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Amanda Jo Pasquinelli posted a new update:
about 1 month ago

Update #4

Greetings, Champions of sweet baby Cecilia!

Overjoyed to share the best update ever - Cecilia was discharged from the hospital this past Saturday! Check out how happy she is in her carseat! Rosemary is appreciating the small things right now - like just being able to give her a bath & swaddle her. She has a rigorous medication schedule to stay on top of & the new mission is to get Cecilia strong & healthy for her heart surgery this summer! Your support has been pivotal & profound. Alleviating financial stress has been a Godsend to them at this time. Your generosity, care & support is truly felt. Cecilia is happy to be home & back in the loving arms of her family, but she is not quite out of the woods yet. We humbly request your continued prayers for the upcoming surgery & we promise to keep you updated!
With Love & Gratitude,
Amanda Jo & the Müller families

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Amanda Jo Pasquinelli posted a new update:
2 months ago

Update #3

Cecilia has made huge strides toward recovery. They weaned her off the Morphine & she has a healthy appetite for bottles of Mother's milk They’ll need to do a procedure called a heart cath to check the pressures and oxygen content of her heart in preparation for her heart surgery. It’s a non-invasive procedure, thankfully. Rosemary & Stephen will likely get to bring her home sometime this week!

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Amanda Jo Pasquinelli posted a new update:
2 months ago

Update #2

After 10 tightly swaddled days, sweet baby Cecilia finally gets to be held by her Mama & Daddy. She is so happy to be in their loving arms & we are her for it!

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Amanda Jo Pasquinelli posted a new update:
2 months ago

Update #1

Cecilia update! Hello tribe! Your prayers are working! She was taken off the ventilator today. Rosemary is hoping to hold her for the first time in 10 days - but it hasn't happened yet. She is not out of the woods yet, as they are estimating another two weeks of monitoring & medicating in the PICU. Heartfelt thanks for the support! It really does take a village!

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Chris And Sharon Hoffman commented with a $200 donation:
about 1 month ago
Maria Porter Steward commented with a $500 donation:
about 1 month ago
Holding your sweet girl and family in my heart and prayers
JAMES HOOGHKIRK commented with a $200 donation:
2 months ago
Blessings to you and your beautiful family!
Johanna Zyskowski commented with a $100 donation:
2 months ago
Love you little cousin. You are in my daily prayers and thoughts. Sending so much love to you and your sweet family❤️
Amanda Jo Pasquinelli commented:
2 months ago
Cecilia update: Hello tribe! Your prayers are working! She is off the ventilator & Rosemary is hanging on the hope of holding her today!
Erica Hanson commented with a $200 donation:
2 months ago
Praying for Cecilia and your family.
Albert Ribeiro commented with a $250 donation:
2 months ago
Praying for baby Cecilia!
James Kostelnik and Stephanie Smith commented with a $100 donation:
2 months ago
Sending thoughts and prayers for Cecilia
Bridgette Farrer Muir commented with a $100 donation:
2 months ago
Praying for Cecilia and all of you. Love, Bridgette
Meredith Legenos commented with a $100 donation:
2 months ago
Big prayers and love to you all
Patricia L alexander commented with a $40 donation:
2 months ago
Our prayers are with little Cecilia and her family.
Jennifer Duffy commented with a $100 donation:
2 months ago
You are in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️
Michelle Bodoh commented with a $300 donation:
2 months ago
Prayers from Front Royal!
J & C Hawkins Family commented with a $1,000 donation:
2 months ago
Anonymous commented with a $20 donation:
2 months ago
May God, Jesus, Mary and your guardian angels be with Cecilia and her family.
Kimberley Chiappetta commented with a $1,000 donation:
2 months ago
Rosemary/ Rosita/ Auntie RoRo, We love you and your family to the moon and back and back again. Love, Tony, Kim, W & J
John & Paula Obringer commented with a $50 donation:
2 months ago
Sending prayers from the Obringer Family!! Xoxo
Timothy Corrigan commented with a $100 donation:
2 months ago
Alden Fuqua commented with a $50 donation:
2 months ago
My heart goes out to rosemary, baby Cecilia and the entire family. Sending love and strength. ❤️
Jenn Rigney commented with a $200 donation:
2 months ago
Sending you all my love. Wish I could give you a big hug, Rosa.